Guy Cohen- Node Director
Prof. Guy Cohen Department of Chemical Physics Tel Aviv University Office: Orenstein 404a Tel: 03-6406583 Fax: 03-6405805 Email: gcohen@tauex.tau.ac.il Webpage:https://www.tau.ac.il/~gcohen/

Abraham Nitzan
Prof. Abraham Nitzan School of Chemistry Tel Aviv University Office: Ornstein 407 Tel: 03-6408904 Fax: 03-6423765 Email: nitzan@post.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://atto.tau.ac.il/~nitzan/

Haim Diamant
Prof. Haim Diamant School of Chemistry Tel Aviv University Office: Ornstein 404A Tel: 03-6406967 Fax: 03-6408122 Email: hdiamant@post.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.tau.ac.il/~hdiamant/

Tal pupko
Prof. Tal Pupko George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences Tel Aviv University Office:Britannia 405 Tel: 03-6407693 Fax: 03-6422046 Email: talp@tau.ac.il Webpage: www.tau.ac.il/~talp

Pinhas Alpert
Prof. Pinhas Alpert Dept. of Geophysical, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Tel Aviv University Office: Kaplun 315 Tel: 03-6407380, 6405714 Fax: 03-6409282 Email: pinhas@post.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.tau.ac.il/~pinhas

Uri Ashery
Prof. Uri Ashery Sagol School of Neuroscience, Dept. of Neurobiology Tel Aviv University Office: Sherman Building room 719 Tel: 03-6409827 Fax: 03-6407643 Email: uriashery@gmail.com Webpage: http://www.tau.ac.il/lifesci/departments/neuro/members/ashery/ashery.html

Eran Rabani
Prof. Eran Rabani School of Chemistry Tel Aviv University Office: Ornstein 219 Tel: 03-6407599 Fax: 03-6407042 Email: eran.rabani@gmail.com Webpage: http://www.tau.ac.il/~rabani

Amir Boag
Prof. Amir Boag School of Electrical Engineering Tel Aviv University Office: Wolfson Electrical Engineering Building 239 Tel: 03-6408246 Fax: 03-6423508 Email: boag@eng.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.eng.tau.ac.il/~boag/

Nir Ben-Tal
Prof. Nir Ben-Tal Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Tel Aviv University Office: Sherman 631 Tel: 03-6406709 Fax: 03-6406834 Email: bental@tauex.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://bental.tau.ac.il

Yuval Shavitt
Prof. Yuval Shavitt School of Electrical Engineering Tel Aviv University Office: Wolfson Building 303 Tel: 03-6408659 Fax: 03-6405027 Email: shavitt@eng.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.eng.tau.ac.il/~shavitt/

Eytan Ruppin
Prof. Eytan Ruppin Medical School and Faculty of Exact Sciences Tel Aviv University Office: Schreiber 118 Tel: 03-6406528 Fax: 03-6409357 Email: ruppin@post.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~ruppin

Uri Ashery
Prof. Uri Ashery Sagol School of Neuroscience, Dept. of Neurobiology Tel Aviv University Office: Sherman Building room 719 Tel: 03-6409827 Fax: 03-6407643 Email: uriashery@gmail.com Webpage: http://www.tau.ac.il/lifesci/departments/neuro/members/ashery/ashery.html

Oswaldo Dieguez
Prof. Oswaldo Dieguez Dept. of Materials Science and Engineeering Tel Aviv University Office: Wolfson Building of Mechanical Engineering 122 Tel: 073-2429438 Email: dieguez@post.tau.ac.il

Eli Eisenberg
Prof. Eli Eisenberg School of Physics and Astronomy Tel Aviv University Office: Shenkar Physics 407 Tel: 03-6407723 Fax: 03-6422979 Email: elieis@post.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.tau.ac.il/~elieis

Roded Sharan
Prof. Roded Sharan Blavatnik School of Computer Science Tel Aviv University Office: Schreiber 311 Tel: 03-6407139 Fax: 03-6409357 Email: roded@post.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~roded

Yair Shokef
Prof. Yair Shokef School of Mechanical Engineering Tel Aviv University Office: Wolfson Building of Mechanical Engineering 334 Tel: 03-6408393 Email: shokef@tau.ac.il Webpage: http://shokef.tau.ac.il

Alex Gelfgat
Prof. Alex Gelfgat School of Mechanical Engineering Tel Aviv University Office: Wolfson Mechanical Engineering Bldg 310 Tel: 03-6407207 Fax: 03-6407334 Email: gelfgat@tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.eng.tau.ac.il/~gelfgat/

Benjamin Svetitsky
Prof. Benjamin Svetitsky School of Physics and Astronomy Tel Aviv University Office: Kaplun 409 Tel: 03-6408870 Fax: 03-6407932 Email: bqs@julian.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://julian.tau.ac.il/bqs

Barak Hirshberg
Dr. Barak Hirshberg School of Chemistry Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel Office: Orenstein 404 Tel: 073-3804460 Email: hirshb@tauex.tau.ac.il Webpage: https://tau.ac.il/~hirshb

Eran Halperin
Prof. Eran Halperin School of Computer Science and the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology Tel Aviv University Office: Schreiber Bruilding, room 310 Tel: 03-6405970 Email: eranhalperin@gmail.com Webpage: www.cs.tau.ac.il/~heran

Yossi Tsfadia
Prof. Yossi Tsfadia Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tel Aviv University Office: Sherman Building, room 615 Tel: 03-6405766 Fax: 03-6406834 (Department Fax) Email: yossit@tauex.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.tau.ac.il/lifesci/departments/biochem/members/tsfadia/tsfadia.html Read more: Yossi Tsfadia

Michael Urbakh
Prof. Michael Urbakh School of Chemistry Tel Aviv University Office: Ornstein 208 Tel: 03-6408324 Fax: 03-6409293 Email: urbakh@post.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.tau.ac.il/~urbakh1/

Oded Hod
Prof. Oded Hod School of Chemistry Tel Aviv University Office: Ornstein 422 Tel: 03-6405850 Fax: 03-6405850 Email: odedhod@tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.tau.ac.il/~odedhod

Haim Wolfson
Prof. Haim Wolfson Blavatnik School of Computer Science Tel Aviv University Office: Schreiber 015 Tel: 03-6405357 Fax: 03-640 6476 Email: wolfson@tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~wolfson

Joseph Klafter
Prof. Joseph Klafter School of Chemistry Tel Aviv University Office: Ornstein 209 Tel: 03-6408254 Fax: 03-6406466 Email: klafter@post.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.tau.ac.il/~klafter1/

Amir Natan
Prof. Amir Natan Dept. of Physical Electronics School of Electrical Engineering Tel: +972-3-6408635 Email: amirnatan@post.tau.ac.il Webpage: http://www.eng.tau.ac.il/~amirn/

Joshua Jortner
Prof. Joshua Jortner School of Chemistry Tel Aviv University Office: Ornstein 220 Tel: 03-6408322 Fax: 03-6415054 Email: jortner@post.tau.ac.il Webpage: www.tau.ac.il/chemistry/jortner